
Major urban development expansions have been taking place over the last three years within Greater Cairo, along the Egyptian Mediterranean coast, the Red Sea shore, in northern Delta. Real Estate developments have been popping up faster than most Egyptians can keep track and it has led to widespread confusion in regard to where to invest and why.

The second critical key to look into when evaluating a real estate investment opportunity is the location. And by location, we don’t just mean whether it has good sea views or overlooks the majestic Red Sea mountains -although that definitely makes a difference-, but we mean the compatibility of the project to the demographics and demand of its catchment area, and whether it can succeed within its competitive market.

To get detailed assistance evaluating a real estate opportunity don’t hesitate to consult our market research and investment experts for private consultancies and investment guidance to make the right investment decision in Egypt’s diverse market.

نموذج الأستفسار

الاشتراك النشرة الإخبارية

لتلقي آخر الأخبار والحصول على أفضل الصفقات الشهرية